[Greylist-users] Bagley: version 0.01 available

Valor Romá valor at netvector.es
Thu Mar 4 02:19:11 PST 2004

En fecha 02-03-2004 18:50, Steven Ericsson Zenith escribió:

>If the ACL implementation fixes the cases like certain Exchange servers and YahooGroups that do not retry (can someone confirm this please) then this is worth taking a look at. 

Yes, I think I can confirm that yahoogroups do not retry.

For this reason, I had to take the yahoogroups out of the greylist check:   :-(

returns.groups.yahoo.com        dunno
jgonzalez at erke.biz              dunno

Valor Romá

NETVECTOR - Servicis Professionals d'Internet
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