[MudWalker] another trigger question

Kevin Reid kpreid at mac.com
Sun Aug 23 12:23:37 PDT 2009

On Aug 20, 2009, at 1:58, Ryan wrote:

> However I haven't found anything that answers my question of
> if I need to have 2 or more triggers in one.
> For example:
> Let's say that when you walk into a room that has a fountain
> you want the trigger to drink from the fountain.
> I'd like to figure out how to have the script continue drinking as  
> long as the
> mud says you me, "you drink the water."  And I want it to stop  
> drinking
> the pump when it says, "you are full."
> Basically trying to see how to have a trigger continue as it waits  
> for text from the mud
> to know what it's next operation is.

Triggers cannot wait. To do what you describe, just add "^You drink  
the water\.$" to the trigger's match patterns (put it on a separate  
line) along with entering the room -- then it will have just the  
behavior you want.

Match patterns:
   ^There is a fountain here\.$
   ^You drink the water\.$

   drink from fountain

Kevin Reid                                  <http://switchb.org/kpreid/>

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