[MudWalker] MudWalker triggers

Taylor Telford Taylor.Telford at grandview.edu
Wed Aug 26 08:52:01 PDT 2009

I've set up some very easy triggers on mudwalker dealing with a situation happening and doing something but nothing with variables or whatnot.

I play medievia and would really like to figure out how to do triggers for mudwalker for situations.

There's lots of spells to cast in med but sometimes you fumble the spell and don't cast it and my current dilemma is creating a trigger with a common start line but a different spell ending.

The screen looks like this:

You fumble over the correct inflection to cast Refresh.

All spell fumbles start with the You until the cast and after it just says the spell name.  Sometimes it s a two word spell like "Sense Life".

I want on the script line to:

c Refresh

Or whatever other spell it is.

This is just one general problem..I'd really like to know how to do as much as possible with triggering and making my own triggers and scripts.

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