[vworld-tech] Python

Brian Crowder crowder at fiverocks.com
Tue Apr 26 21:31:06 PDT 2005

On ArmageddonMUD, we use JS as a pure scripting language, but I'm of the 
opinion that it could easily handle a -significantly- larger work-load 
than we're burdening it with.  That said, I'm not sure it's a great 
language overall for large projects (millions of lines of code written 
by JS monkeys....  *shudder*).  Python is probably better, and will 
generally encourage better habits.

Another interesting and emerging high-level language which might prove 
effective for game-server development is D ( 
http://www.digitalmars.com/d/ ).  It's closer to the "bare metal" than a 
language like Python, but seems to offer potential for significantly 
higher-level approaches to less performance-sensitive systems 
programming problems.  I'd be interested to know if anyone has 
experimented with it.  Thoughts on C# or Managed C++ with respect to 
high-performance server (or even game-client) apps like this would be 
interesting, too.  These also might allow you to architect a clean 
system which is generally harder to abuse for less experienced coders.

-- Brian

Brian Hook wrote:

>>We were using Python extensively on UO2 before it was cancelled,
>>and the result at least _looked_ very elegant.  Unfortunately, the
>>game never shipped and so my main concern at the time, that it
>>might perform poorly under load, was never tested.
>This is a legit concern, but for me I'm not worried about the scale of 
>something like UO2.  If Python can handle
>I know Eve Online used Stackless Python, but I don't even know what 
>the hell that is, so I guess I should look into it =)
>>My personal server-side scripting preference, lately, is
>>Spidermonkey (the JavaScript implementation provided by
>>mozilla.org), and I believe there was some discussion about it on
>>this list last year.
>Is this for _scripting_ or for server development?  I'm leaning away 
>from "Scripting" and looking at using a language more for first order 
>development as opposed to leaf scripts (e.g. monster "think" 
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