merging latest dmd frontend to gdc

Michael P. baseball.mjp at
Sun Sep 6 13:53:47 PDT 2009

I found a pretty useful link about writing a GCC front-end here:
It describes how to write a demo front-end language for GCC.
Since D's is already written, and all I have to work on is merging the DMD source, it shouldn't be too hard. Just wanted to see how everything would work together when it actually compiles.
Another guide is here; not as useful, but still decent:

Anyways, I got gdc working with gcc 4.3.1 using the 4.3.1 branch that is located in the "branches" section of the gdc svn.
It was pretty much the exact same as a 4.1.x installation.

I figured out that, when building gdc, gcc is used, not g++, like when building dmd, which I would assume is why you can't just copy and paste the front end source. At least part of the reason.
Anyways, any help/links/etc are appreciated. 

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