Got a post for the D Blog?

Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at
Mon Oct 31 00:00:05 PDT 2016

On 10/30/2016 08:51 PM, Mike Parker wrote:
 > So far, getting content for the blog has, with a few exceptions, been a
 > process of sending out emails prompted by activity on my radar.

Thank you and please continue doing that. I would have never thought of 
contributing to the blog if you hadn't contacted me with an idea.d

I have an article request for anyone who is considering writing 
something, which was prompted by a recent thread[1]. There are many 
functions in Phobos that can be used for searching and parsing: The ones 
in std.algorighm like find, findSplit, splitter, etc.; a few in 
std.range like some members of SortedRange; some in std.array like 
split; some in std.string like indexOf; and of course std.regex; and more...

It's likely that some of those are redundant or less efficient compared 
to others. There must be some simple guidelines to prefer one over the 
others. I would enjoy reading such an article. :)



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