Qonquest 2 - A simple strategy game written in D

Hipreme msnmancini at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 26 00:16:09 UTC 2023

On Wednesday, 25 January 2023 at 23:38:36 UTC, TheZipCreator 
> I made a simple strategy game in D, as a sequel to another 
> strategy game I made a while ago, but this time with graphics 
> (the previous one was just in the terminal). I used 
> `arsd.simpledisplay` for the graphics, although I mostly just 
> used the provided OpenGL 2 functions.
> For buttons that have numbers, left clicking numbers increases 
> them, right clicking numbers decreases them, and holding shift 
> does that 5 times. Besides that, the rest of the controls 
> should be relatively intuitive.
> You can [download it from 
> github](https://github.com/TheZipCreator/qonquest2/releases/tag/2.1.0) or from [itch](https://thezipcreator.itch.io/qonquest-2)

Saw that on github: "HOPEFULLY fixed a bug on windows where you 
wouldn't be able to deploy or move troops"

Seems like it didn't fix :(

The only button that works is the one that makes you lose.

So, for this game, at least on itch io:
- Needs a screenshot
- Never say "it should be relatively straightforward", if your 
game is not working as expected, it will make your players feel 
bad (didn't work here). Just do an objective list on how the 
input works

On the game:
- The game does not like resizing the window ( I wasn't able to 
click anything after resizing and in my screen I can barely read 
- This genre really deserves at least a mini tutorial

- Virus scanner activated on windows (but virus free thankfully), 
try checking if there is some way to not let that happen

Keep in mind that most people that is going to play your game is 
not a computer expert, and everyone I knew freak out in the idea 
of getting a virus, this is super important if you wish to 
distribute your game.

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