GSoC'19: Any LLVM based idea? If not let's think one!

Reshabh Sharma reshabhsh at
Wed Dec 12 17:57:20 UTC 2018


I'm Reshabh Sharma, a senior year undergrad from India. I 
completed my last GSoC'18 successfully with LLVM 

I was always interested in compilers, but the last GSoC and LLVM 
dev meeting have given it a different shape!

These days I'm working on a patch on a Global Instruction 
Scheduler in the optimization phase of LLVM and got another 
project on Alias Analysis in LLVM from the start of next year in 
todo list.

LDC uses LLVM as back-end, I would be happy if you have some 
LLVM/compiler related stuff in wishlist that I can do with D lang 
this GSoC'19.

Some specific IR passes for D or anything more at the backend 
side, it will help me to become a better compiler engineer (that 
I aim to become).

I would be glad to see some core compiler/llvm based ideas 
floating and would be very happy if someone is ready to mentor me 
for this GSoC.

Reshabh Sharma

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