How To Dynamic Web Rendering?

Adam Ruppe destructionator at
Sat May 14 16:25:23 PDT 2011

>  *All* developers? ;) Sorry, I've to disagree - still there are way
> too many projects where this is not considered "horrible" (just two
> quite popular examples - Drupal & Wordpress).

#1: Wordpress /is/ horrible. One of the worst projects I have to deal
with for work... (in the OT subthread where I talked about immutable
$_POST, that was inspired by some awful code inside Wordpress!) The
template system (see next) has lots of required boilerplate and
ugliness too. Take a look at twentyten/header.php for some examples.

#2: Even Wordpress doesn't mix code with output very often - it uses
a template system too - the themes folder. Sure, PHP is it's template
language, but it does separate the main code from the template code.
It fits under the category of disciplined php I touched upon in my

I don't know drupal so I can't comment on that.

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