For those ready to take the challenge

Paulo Pinto via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Sat Jan 10 09:07:12 PST 2015

On Saturday, 10 January 2015 at 15:52:21 UTC, Tobias Pankrath 
> ...
>> The thing is, in languages like Perl, Python, Ruby (to name a 
>> few), reusing
>> someone else's code is not only easy, but it is how most 
>> people actually write code most of the time.
> I think he's wrong, because it spoils the comparison. Every 
> answer should delegate those tasks to a library that 
> Stroustroup used as well, e.g. regex matching, string to number 
> conversion and some kind of TCP sockets. But it must do the 
> same work that he's solution does: Create and parse HTML header 
> and extract the html links, probably using regex, but I 
> wouldn't mind another solution.
> Everyone can put a libdo_the_stroustroup_thing on dub and then 
> call do_the_stroustroup_thing() in main. To compare what the 
> standard libraries (and libraries easily obtained or quasi 
> standard) offer is another challenge.

I disagree.

The great thing about comes with batteries runtimes is that I 
have the guarantee the desired features exist in all platforms 
supported by the language.

If the libraries are dumped into a repository, there is always a 
problem if the library works across all OS supported by the 
language or even if they work together at all. Specially if they 
depend on common packages with incompatible versions.

This is the cause of so many string and vector types across all 
C++ libraries as most of those libraries were developed before 
C++98 was even done.

Or why C runtime isn't nothing more than a light version of UNIX 
as it was back in 1989, without any worthwhile feature since 
then, besides some extra support for numeric types and a little 
more secure libraries.

Nowadays, unless I am doing something very OS specific, I hardly 
care which OS I am using, thanks to such "comes with batteries" 


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