Clarify "Starting as a Contributor" document

Ali Çehreli acehreli at
Mon Dec 11 06:43:46 UTC 2017

On 12/10/2017 12:36 AM, Seb wrote:

 > tl;dr: I don't have a strong opinion here, but I guess there is no harm
 > done in "officially" recommending -force-with-lease.

Thanks. I don't care anymore. :)

 >> 2) Can you please explain the last sentence of this part:
 >> <quote>
 >> If the pull request is for a bug fix, the commit message should have
 >> the format "fix issue 1234". This enables the dlang-bot to
 >> automatically pick up the issue from Bugzilla and post it as a comment
 >> on the PR. If the PR is already open, then a git rebase is necessary
 >> followed by a force push. During the rebase, the commit message should
 >> be renamed to match the one specified.
 >> </quote>
 >> What is "the commit message"? What is "the one specified"?
 > The text is referring to the git commit message. I think the second part
 > is trying to explain the typical scenario that you have opened a PR and
 > forgot to reference a regarding issue in your git commit message.

So, the last sentence should be something like "The rebase allows you an 
extra opportunity to mention the Bugzilla issue if your original commit 
did not already mention it."?

 > Though
 > git commit --amend is an easier way to edit the last git commit message.
 > The Readme here might also shed some light:

It was helpful but not for that specific question.

 > don't hesitate to ask again.

There is the following part:

First, fork the github repository or repositories you'd like to 
contribute to (dmd, druntime, phobos etc) by navigating to their 
respective pages on and clicking "Fork". Then, set up your 
local git repository to reflect that. For example, consider you want to 
contribute to phobos and have forked it. Then run these commands:

   cd ~/code/phobos
   git remote add myfork
   git remote update

That sequence does not work because apparently code/phobos must already 
be a git repo but the text does not explain where it comes from. So, I 
added three commands to the sequence and it seemed to work:

   mkdir -p ~/code/phobos   # <-- 1
   git init                 # <-- 2
   cd ~/code/phobos
   git remote add myfork<USERNAME>/phobos.git
   git remote update
   git pull myfork master   # <-- 3

Was I correct? Of course, it would be better to explain how one gains 

I think that section should include setting up both the upstream repo 
and the myfork repo. I think a contributor would regularly be using both.


P.S. As I mentioned recently on this newsgroup, the general lack of 
information on the two repos, "upstream" and "personal fork", were the 
most detrimental to my understanding of git workflows. We do that in our 
document but I think setting up "upstream" should be a part of the 
command sequence above.

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