Phango - questions

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at
Mon Nov 19 04:13:35 PST 2007

Regan Heath wrote:
> Janice Caron wrote:
>> On 11/18/07, Kris <foo at> wrote:
>>> However, it's vaguely amusing
>>> to see your hypocracy is without bounds :)
>> Again, excuse me? Any chance you could just scale down the discourtesy 
>> a tad?
> Don't hold your breath.  Many a poster has been in your shoes, myself 
> included.  Heck, Alix is in the same position right now.  No doubt I'll 
> get some of the same treatment shortly, I just wanted to let you know 
> you're not alone.
> Kris, I wish you wouldn't take comments about Tango quite so personally, 
> Sean and Lars are in the same boat and you don't see them responding 
> with personal attacks.  It's quite sad really because despite this you 
> have a number of quite admirable qualities which I respect you for, but 
> damn it if you don't make that hard sometimes.
> Anyway, for what it's worth you can chalk my name up on the list of 
> people who haven't adopted Tango due to it's style, naming conventions 
> included.  Granted it's not the main reason, that being that I don't 
> have a large enough project to need the many wonderful features Tango 
> has.  If I did I could probably get past the stlye of Tango if I needed 
> to, I am a pragmatist at heart once I quell the perfectionist.
> As for a suggestion of naming and style, I like the one Janice posted:
> Module name components: likethis

What about the pen island module problem?  Underscores?  Do you have any 
comments to add to the pro column for 'likethis' over in the Module 
naming conventions thread?  Or rebuttals to those in the pro column for 

> Class names: LikeThis
> Variable names: likeThis;
> Constants: LIKETHIS or LIKE_THIS
> Regan /dons flame retardant suit and leaves the building.

Wait! Come back!  You haven't answered my questions!  :-)


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