Right now, what's the most important for the success and adoption

div0 div0 at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Sep 30 12:11:34 PDT 2007

Ary Manzana wrote:
> I've recorded a video that shows what Descent will be able to do in the 
> next releases. This shows more or less why me and Robert think a good 
> IDE will improve development speed in D.
> http://esperanto.org.ar/descent/descent.html
> Of course, the functionality is the same as DMD, but being able to 
> detect errors without having to compile helps a lot. Also, as you can 
> see, you can evaluate compile-time functions on-the-fly by writing 
> static asserts that fail.
> Enojy!
> Ary
> P.D.: The video starts with "Let's start by defining a function..." (it 
> got cut in the recording).

Whilst that is admittedly very cool, I'd rather be able to click:

Project -> Build All

and have that work...

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