Low dimensional matrices, vectors, quaternions and a cubic equation

Lars T. Kyllingstad public at kyllingen.NOSPAMnet
Mon Apr 19 04:49:38 PDT 2010

#ponce wrote:
> I don't know if this help, but here is a subset of my "math" package I've used in real-time applications.
> http://ponce.paradisia.net/temp/math_package.zip
> Such code is absolutely not what one would expect to find in a standard library (lots of assembly, almost no std.math, no safety-checks, no clever templates) but it works for me. You may find some useful parts in it.
> Maybe merging the good ideas of OMG, Yage, your code, etc... (and sorting out licences "problems")... would lead to a better low-dimensionnal math package class.
> Thingsq important to me:
> - expressivity

I like this (from your math.vec3 module):

   struct vec3(T)
          struct { T x, y, z; }
          T[3] v;

That's a pretty neat trick. :)  I didn't even know anonymous unions were 


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