Suggestion: New D front page

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at
Sat Jan 29 16:11:09 PST 2011

Brad Roberts wrote:
> Exposing those sorts of errors directly to users is easy and handy
> during the early stages, but really ought to just be
> in the website logs.

Right, that's why you can move it to use only stderr (which
Apache automatically logs) with a simple recompile.

> For a site with any traffic, placing load on a remote site
> like that is fairly rude.

It doesn't check every time. It loads from a cache file,
but if the cache is outdated or not present, it checks the
news server to get new news.

if(cache exists && cache.age < nn)
    return cache;
    ask the server for new news since the time the cache was
    last modified

    write the new result to the cache

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