D blog?

Joakim via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Tue Jul 15 03:17:25 PDT 2014

On Tuesday, 15 July 2014 at 00:41:12 UTC, Jesse Phillips wrote:
> On Monday, 14 July 2014 at 19:41:19 UTC, Joakim wrote:
>> whereas I'm asking about having an official blog on dlang.org 
>> and how much interest there is from others to contribute to 
>> one.
> This is my question, what do you expect people to contribute? 
> Release announcements are obvious. Would it mimic D.announce? 
> Is it for the language developers to blog about what is in 
> later releases?

Anything that would help generate and maintain interest in the 
language, announcements are the least of it.  Take a look at the 
Go blog.  I already mentioned taking posts like H.S. Teoh's and 
highlighting and expanding on them.

Another possibility I mentioned is putting up interviews with 
developers, where they could talk about future directions or what 
they like about D.  Interviews are relatively easy to crank out 
over email but are usually informative.  The more people get 
involved from the community, the easier it will be to keep it 

> My point about Planet D is that it provides a means for anyone 
> to contribute any content and is already followed by many, and 
> it shows a low participation in blogging.

The focus of an official blog would be different and could have a 
couple people driving it to keep participation consistent.  We 
need to remedy that "low participation."

> An official blog would require another lieutenant to manage 
> what is the "official" blog content. Having that would be 
> great, but having a blog without the lieutenant isn't great.

I've offered to administer it.  That means either just 
technically setting the app up and maintaining it or managing and 
generating posts, or both, whatever's necessary.

The question is whether others think we need an official blog, 
and if so, would they contribute?

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