D is crap

ketmar via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Mon Jul 11 05:18:26 PDT 2016

On Monday, 11 July 2016 at 11:59:51 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 
> Just go look at what people who gave up on D claim to be a 
> major reason, the GC scores high...

and most of those people never even started to use D. took a 
brief look, maybe wrote "helloworld", and that's all. it doesn't 
matter in this case which reason made 'em "turn away". if not GC, 
it would be something another: they just wanted their Ideal 
Lanugage, and found that D is not. those people just can't be 
satisfied, 'cause they are looking for something D isn't at all.

D *can* be used without GC. and it will still be "better C". it 
still will be less painful than C, but this is the price of doing 
"low-level things". or it can be used on a much higher level, 
where GC doesn't really matter anymore (and actually desirable).

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