Safe and performant actor model in D

Per Nordlöw per.nordlow at
Wed Jun 13 09:45:04 UTC 2018

I've read up on Pony [1] and realized that it currently has a 
superior implementation of the actor model when it comes to 
combining safety, efficiency and memory management determinism 
(thread-local reference-counting GC with consensus guarantees)

What libraries do we have at our disposal in D (including for implementing task-based parallelism that is 
close to Pony's solution with regards to

1. @safely sending isolated (transitively unique reference to) 
messages between actors (tasks) without the need for copying. 
Vibe.d has, for instance, `makeIsolated` [2] that serves this 

2. a task-scheduler that can move blocked tasks between threads. 
Yes, I know, this has been discussed many times before...I'm 
checking to see if there are any updates.

3. could we make such a solution GC-free by requiring immutable 
data inside isolated messages to be unique references (not 
currently implicitly shared) aswell using, for instance, I'm thinking 
of a trait named something like `makeIsolatedUnshared` that 
checks these restrictions.


What assistance can/could we currently/in-the-future get from D's 
type-system to verify correctness of these paradigms?

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