Github and enthusiasm

JN 666total at
Sat Dec 7 20:41:37 UTC 2019

On Saturday, 7 December 2019 at 19:15:34 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 
> So, if you disable all the languages and click D, we can see 
> that D has been very stable for the past 6 years. Which might 
> be sign of a loyal user base, given the amount of new languages 
> appearing.

On the plus side, in few years we should be catching up with Ruby.

Rust going up doesn't surprise me. It's past its critical mass 
and it will only go up in the future. Many big companies are 
adopting it right now and there's a lot of work done with Rust in 
many projects, from Microsoft to Google. Also most work in Rust 
(unlike say C#) is done in the open-source world, so you'll see 
it reflected in Github stars.

Dart's dramatic rise is interesting. I attribute it to Flutter, 
but it's crazy how much up it went.

Pascal is interesting, because it has a very dedicated community, 
but they shelter themselves from the outside world for the most 

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