Why do C++ programmers are not interested in D?

Dejan Lekic dejan.lekic at gmail.com
Tue Nov 19 09:12:02 UTC 2019

On Tuesday, 19 November 2019 at 08:51:49 UTC, Pavel Shkadzko 
> meetups on D. But why are so few C++ devs actually do it 
> remains a mystery to me. I would really like to stay away from 
> the general discussion on why D is not as popular as other 
> languages :) rather I'd ask around for C++ programmers who have 
> tried D and share some positive experience they had so that I 
> could spread the word.

How did you come by this conclusion? - D community is full of C++ 
and ex-C++ programmers! I am a former full-time C++ developer who 
gained interest in D almost exactly 20 years ago. I use D 
whenever I need "native" executables on Linux.

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