Which Dub packages are you using?

jmh530 john.michael.hall at gmail.com
Fri Jun 26 21:24:14 UTC 2020

On Friday, 26 June 2020 at 00:35:42 UTC, aberba wrote:
> So I've been doing a tour of dub packages to see whats we've 
> got. I must says here's quite a lot to go through and not 
> everything falls within my comfort zone.
> Please help me know the ones you really like and why.
> [snip]

I am spending a lot of time with libmir, mir-algorithm and 
mir-core in particular. I have also used numir in the past, and 
that is now part of libmir. I also have worked with lubeck and 
mir-random a bit.

I would like to do more work with ggplotd. I think having that as 
a library on run.dlang.org and working properly would be really 

I admire automem, concepts, openmethods, sumtype, and dpp, but my 
use so far of them has been more on the hobby side of things. I 
also admire excel-d, autowrap, embedr (though that's not on 
code.dlang.org), and pyd, but have made less use of them than I 
would like.

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