Can signatures be made simpler and error messages be made better?

sighoya sighoya at
Sat Jun 12 10:38:52 UTC 2021

On Saturday, 12 June 2021 at 08:13:42 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 
> int myfunc(A a, B b, ref T c)
> require(£return==£a.x)
> {
>   body
> }
> ```

Why not just reusing what we have?:

int myfunc(A a, B b, ref T c) if ==

Lifetime tracking is already some form of static dependent 
typing, and to be useable, it requires to introduce some type 
state to work for that.
In Rust, lifetimes are inferred all the time, and the inferred 
lifetimes are propagated to infer new lifetimes.
Rust exhibits this property from the beginning on, don't know if 
this is possible for language to do afterwards, another downside 
is that type state, in special lifetime state, takes additional 
burden to the compiler.
Solving inequalities may be harder than simple polynomial 
constraint evaluation (disregarding custom computations), just as 
it is the case for the current if section?

I think this is part of the reason why Rust compiles slow.

To be useful, such constraints have to be preserved in ABI, 
otherwise you end up with the same problems as in Rust.

Here is a link to Ralf's Thesis:

I've never read it, but it describes how lifetimes work, at least 
I saw a chapter about it.

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