How can we make it easier to experiment with the compiler?

Tobias Pankrath tobias+dlang at
Mon May 24 10:41:07 UTC 2021

On Monday, 24 May 2021 at 10:04:49 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> On 5/24/2021 2:39 AM, Walter Bright wrote:
>> On 5/24/2021 1:35 AM, Nicholas Wilson wrote:
>>> Did you read _literally nothing else_ that I wrote?
>> I read it, my response was to the entire posting.
> To be a little clearer, if the files are all merely reshuffled 
> into various packages, then they all violate the rule:
>     *** Never import a file from an uplevel directory ***
> and understanding is not increased at all. And it isn't even 
> just an uplevel directory, it's up then sideways then down.

Putting the files into directories would make those violations 
obvious and
serve as documentation on how the deps should be. Than all others 
start work towards that goal.

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