Are these bencmarks recent and real?

jfondren julian.fondren at
Thu Sep 2 11:18:10 UTC 2021

On Thursday, 2 September 2021 at 11:05:44 UTC, Patrick Schluter 
> File system access is significantly slower on Windows because 
> of case insensitivity, Unicode and more metadata accesses per 
> file. This overhead is far from being negligible when accessing 
> a lot of small files (on NTFS afaicr files < than cluster size 
> are stored inside the special directory structure requiring 
> special operation to extract and other such oddities).

It's definitely more than case insensitivity. Try it on Linux:

dd if=/dev/zero of=casei.img bs=1G count=50
mkfs -t ext4 -O casefold casei.img
mkdir casei
mount -o loop casei.img casei

That creates a 50G case-insensitive ext4 filesystem and then 
mounts it into a directory that you can build dmd in, etc.

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