Suggestion re the manual

Ali Çehreli acehreli at
Wed Jun 8 19:27:58 UTC 2022

On 6/7/22 14:28, Paul wrote:

 > Dlang has really made a big difference in
 > our little company

Can you share more information?

Regarding "access to experience[d] developers" that you mentioned, I 
always thought one benefit of smaller communities like D is that you 
know its members find it very useful and in many cases are looking for 
opportunities to work with it. So, although the pool of D programmers is 
small, "you will code in D" should make it easy to get them. :)

Additionally, as John Colvin has been saying, the average strength of a 
programmer on these forums is likely higher than larger communities. (I 
hope I paraphrased it correctly.)


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