Why is D unpopular

Ola Fosheim Grøstad ola.fosheim.grostad at gmail.com
Tue Jun 14 10:05:49 UTC 2022

On Tuesday, 14 June 2022 at 08:35:53 UTC, norm wrote:
> Totally agree with this, it puts me off using D. TBH I haven't 
> started a project in D for a while now, I am simply reaching 
> for Python or C++20.

Do you combine Python and C++, i.e. call C++ code from Python? Or 
do you "chase" higher level and lower level aspects in different 

> etc. But no, a massive amnount of energy is spent on chasing C? 
> Seriously?? C interop is hugely important but D already 
> interop'd with C seamlessly enough....clearly not enough for a 
> core few because that is the main focus for D development right 
> now.

It is being done for fun. It is not unreasonable that people do 
things they find interesting in their own spare time.

The problematic part is that incomplete features are being merged 
instead of being polished in an experimental branch. Even more 
problematic when it is stated that the feature perhaps will never 
become complete (macro expansion). Such experiments should never 
be done on the main branch and that pretty much defines almost 
all of D's challenges.

There is quite a difference between this practice and C++ 
compilers making features available for preview when they are 
following a formal spec!

> Totally agree but I wouldn't say sad, it just is.

It is a bit sad if you count all the hours put into attempts to 
build an eco system around it. The current approach guarantees a 
mode of perpetual instability, and that prevents an eco system 
from emerging.

It would be much easier to build an eco system if you had one big 
fat breaking change to set the record straight (D3) than what is 
perceived as random movements. If people feel you are moving 
about randomly they become passive.

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