Does D have any political goals?

Walter Bright newshound2 at
Mon Nov 14 22:35:50 UTC 2022

On 11/14/2022 12:01 PM, Karmello wrote:
> [...]

Language - D has been moving forward pretty fast. For example, the dip1000 
initiative has made great progress, and the ImportC initiative is a big step 
forward in usability. D now has a prototype borrow checker - the same thing Rust 
has. Memory safety is the future of D.

D hasn't moved as fast with concurrency, but Sebastiaan Koppe has pointed the 
way with structured concurrency, which he's already implemented:

I'd like to get his work into Phobos. I like it a lot better than async/await.

People talk about sumtypes and pattern matching, which are good features, but 
not game changers.

People also talk a lot about not adding new features for D, as it already has 
plenty :-)

IDE - I am not remotely opposed to IDEs. Rainer Schuetze has integrated D with 
Visual Studio. I'm sure he would welcome help from anyone who wants to improve 
it. I'm all for it. As to why I don't do that myself, I'm a poor person to do it 
as IDEs (as you mentioned) are not my personal style.

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