A few holes (imho) in the ecosystem of libraries

Bradley Chatha sealabjaster at gmail.com
Mon May 15 16:22:20 UTC 2023

On Monday, 15 May 2023 at 13:04:57 UTC, Guillaume Piolat wrote:
> What do YOU think is missing in the library department?

Libraries for modern cloud-based development: cloud platforms 
(AWS, GCP, etc.); popular SaaS (e.g. for Slack bots), and a 
common foundation for such libraries to actually build off of.

I don't really have much hope right now for such things to occur 
spontaneously, which is why I've decided to go my own way and in 
a very ideal sense: have my own ecosystem, for myself. Whether it 
lives up to reality is another question, however I'm optimistic 
since I recently managed to get my async library into a 
functioning (though not super useable yet) state, where I can 
start create more libraries that directly integrate with it, and 
eventually applications.

But I guess that's kind of one of the things I miss from C#, Go, 
and Python land: all the battery included 
ecosystems/libraries/standard libraries that already exist and 
integrate well (or at least, well enough) with one another, 
instead of being entirely separate things that I have to patch 
together, and that don't even (and likely can't be) integrate 
with whatever I'm using for async stuff.

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