[MudWalker] Problem with latest version

Kevin Reid kpreid
Wed Sep 1 02:51:14 PDT 2004

On Aug 31, 2004, at 13:09, David O Smith wrote:

> I've just installed Mudwalker v 0.3.1 and hit a nasty problem. I've
> always used the connection section of the document settings to connect.
> With 0.3.1 I get a small screen with the message:
> There is no interpreter for "SubstitutedLua" available.
> What I've got in my connection window is "Connect $$username 
> $$password"
> which worked before.
> What's changed, and how do I re-automate this, please?

I am not aware of having changed anything to break this. All my own 
scripts are SubstitutedLua.

What language choices are listed in the popup menus in script editing 
and the Preferences window?

Is anyone else having this problem?

Kevin Reid                            <http://homepage.mac.com/kpreid/>

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