Beerconf October

Steven Schveighoffer schveiguy at
Thu Oct 17 03:30:49 UTC 2024


Beerconf this month will be held on October 26-27. I likely will 
be not able to join on the 27 as I will be driving down to Yale 
to join Mike Shah and Ali Cehreli for Mike's game engine class.

Obligatory link to beerconf T's:

## What is Beerconf?

Check out the [wiki article](

## Phobos PR closefest

We're going to try something this beerconf. Adam Wilson suggested 
we do a community speedrun through the first page of Phobos PRs. 
Meaning, respond, merge, close, whatever it takes to get them off 
the list or at least to respond to the authors. The idea is, you 
will have a lot of experienced D developers together, we can 
discuss, we can help each other out, and we can slog through some 
of the backlog. It's like a cleanup party!

New contributors who wish to help or fix their pet peeves are 

We currently have 99 open PRs. How many can we get it down to?

Cheers! 🍺


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