The D Programming Language - Digitalmars-d-bugs
April 2015 Archives by thread
Starting: Wed Apr 1 04:56:19 PDT 2015
Ending: Thu Apr 30 23:51:00 PDT 2015
Messages: 827
- [Issue 12984] [REG2.068a] ICE on forward reference of derived class from other instantiated class
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14387] New: Disallow string literals as assert conditions
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14207] Assertion failure: '(vd->storage_class & (STCout | STCref)) ? isCtfeReferenceValid(newval) : isCtfeValueValid(newval)' on line 6724 in file 'interpret.c'
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14388] New: Assertion failed: (type->ty != Tstruct || ((TypeStruct *)type)->sym == this)
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14305] DMD incorrectly interprets -of and -od with -lib
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14389] New: The "(attributelist):" attribute notation scope of effect
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14390] New: [REG2.068a] ICE or bad "has forward references" error with circular class structure
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14391] New: Assigning to module results in unhelpful error message
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14207] [REG2.065] Assertion failure: '(vd->storage_class & (STCout | STCref)) ? isCtfeReferenceValid(newval) : isCtfeValueValid(newval)' on line 6724 in file 'interpret.c'
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 11080] assert(`string`) should be forbidden
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14392] New: Operator overload is shadowed by "alias this"
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 12863] Crash in cast_.d on OSX 10.9
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 13985] Wrong code when using "super" to call final interface method
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 4435] Multiple-inheritance of Interfaces results in final/static method/function hijacking
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 5060] Order of interface implementations affects code
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14393] New: 'is' operator gives inconsistent results at runtime and compile-time for array duplication
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 2091] D2 final cannot be applied to variable
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14234] rbtree length should be const
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 6565] out 2D fixed-sized array
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 8217] static nested class can reference outer scope by template instantiation
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 10158] 'offsetof' property of nested struct does not work properly
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 11019] fwd reference : legal in C++, CT error in D (unable to resolve forward reference in definition)
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 12036] Wrong code with auto-returning function as mixin alias param
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 3869] Unreasonable error without line number: "recursive template expansion"
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14394] New: byGrapheme does not preserve bidirectional ranges
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14395] New: default value collapsed (dmd2.067)
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14396] New: compile error std.conv.parse!int with input range (dmd2.067)
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14397] New: dmd: Provide full source range for compiler errors [enhancement]
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14398] New: Segfault when nested struct in static array accesses context
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14399] New: std.json cannot parse its own output for nan
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14400] New: minor nit- wiki front page needs to reflect latest D version at bottom: currently 2.066
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14401] New: typeid(shared X).init is empty for class types
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 10606] DMD Exit code 139
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14402] New: std.conv.emplace for classes segfaults for nested class
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14340] AssertError in std.algorithm.sorting: unstable sort fails to sort an array with a custom predicate
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14403] New: DDox: std.algorithm index links are 404
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14207] [REG2.065] [CTFE] ICE on unsupported reinterpret cast in compile time
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 12700] object.di still defined alias destroy clear
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14368] stdio.rawRead underperforms stdio
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14341] [REG 2.067] Crash with -O -release -inline after sort and map!(to!string)
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14404] New: Class nested within function cannot be created
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14327] Unhandled exception from writeln() in C++/D application
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14381] It is too difficult to contribute to the auto-tester
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14282] executeShell should use sh and ignore the SHELL env variable
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 11438] Internal error: ..\ztc\cod4.c 358 from "alias this" and a cast
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14405] New: Private class std.typecons.Foo conflicts with local class
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 13906] etc.c.zlib is out of date
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 12971] Missing REX prefix for 8 bit register access
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 9965] Wrong Assembly For DIL, SIL Registers
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 6459] Inline assembler does not work well for 64 bit registers R8..R15
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14406] New: GIT HEAD ignores forward reference and generates wrong code
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14407] New: No protection and attributes check for class/struct allocator in NewExp
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14408] New: std.process: Can't start interactive process from Windows GUI application
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14409] New: false positive "Error: one path skips constructor"
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14376] [REG2.064] false positive "Error: one path skips field"
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14410] New: core.demangle doesn't handle typeof(null) correctly
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14411] New: switch statement: docs/behavior differ
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14412] New: Include template specializations in DMD's JSON output
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14413] New: Spurious newline in ddoc JSON output for multiple successive line doc comments
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 5770] Template constructor bypass access check
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 13948] Ddox should not generate documentation for std.c.*
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 12891] add atomicFetchAdd and atomicFetchSub to core.atomic
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 13961] enum values appear as variables in ddox
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 13946] ddox should rebuild documentation incrementally
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14414] New: allow to set hash seed
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14415] New: globMatch should support recursive matching (**)
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14384] speed up Base64 decoding
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 13996] Function for returning a temporary file with a randomly generated name where the name can be accessed
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14364] DMD should compile (correctly) SDC test0167.d
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14364] Spec is incorrect for opAssign operators.
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14416] New: .sizeof yields 1 for uninstantiated struct templates
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14417] New: Wrong argument type for _d_cover_register2
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14418] New: D-style Variadic Function example does not compile
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 4733] Possible bugs caused by dynamic arrays in boolean evaluation context
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14419] New: [CTFE] Need infinite loop detection?
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14350] Unit test failures are not displayed in Windows GUI programs
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14420] New: partial template ordering with specialization and different arities seems broken
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14421] New: Variadic args array force on heap
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14422] New: std.process: Pipes do not append to files on Win64
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14423] New: struct destructors not finalized for AA values
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14424] New: dmd crashes with __traits(getUnitTests)
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14015] ddoc Error: function unmatched as result of underscore in unittest comment
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14425] New: Indirect template instantiation within is expression causes missing linker symbols
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 5995] string append negative integer causes segfault
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14243] mixin template scope inconsistency?
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14249] Loose error check for incorrect template mixin
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 10492] Illegal Instruction for mixin template with scope declarations
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14426] New: Segfault for missing extern variable
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14427] New: Regression: navigation for phobos documentation has disappeared
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14428] New: Link all book formats available from
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14429] New: Linker error caused by a combination of multiple factors (static library, inlining, lambda alias and ref parameters)
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14430] New: Null parameter is detected as non-null.
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 3193] Support Windows-1251 as a source encoding
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14431] New: [REG 2.067.0] huge slowdown of compilation speed
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14432] New: move construction for RefCounted
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 13972] Make scoped, Unique, and RefCounted @nogc
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14171] Mark non-allocating GC functions as @nogc
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 13834] make levenshteinDistance @nogc
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14433] New: std.encoding does not support Central European ISO-8859-2 and CP1250 encodings
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14434] New: Assertion failed: (type && init), function getConstInitializer, file declaration.c, line 2295
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 10430] Makefiles should print code coverage percentages when running unittests
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14063] Add coverage enforcement for Phobos' posix.mak
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14435] New: [D1] backport deprecated("msg")
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14436] New: Optimizer fails to remove comparison loop when comparing array against null
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14437] New: Double scope(failure) ignored
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14438] New: is(A P == super) (tuple of supertypes) should work with structs and alias this
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 7074] std.concurrency.receive segfaults when called from new thread
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 1578] Allow AA literals to initialize static variables
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 6238] Cannot define global immutable AA
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14358] DMD should prevent declaring a function with a reserved name
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14358] [SDC] DMD should prevent declaring a function with a reserved name
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14359] [SDC] Allow inferring template parameter from type of template value parameter
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14361] [SDC] Allow aliasing integer and other literals
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14362] DMD should compile SDC test0159.d
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14363] [SDC] Error with inheriting nested classes in nested functions
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14367] Print warnings by default
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14378] Parse block statement followed by ';' as a function literal
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14439] New: aa's are essentially unusable in @safe contexts
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14179] Posix x86_64 varargs prolog clobbers RDX
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14192] Access Violation when assigning to shared AA
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14199] [REG2.067a] Dwarf Error: mangled line number section
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 12422] [REG2.055] Templated nested function is inferred as `pure` even if it calls impure functions
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 13729] [REG2.067a] One not detected case of not purity
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 13009] [REG2.064] inout overload conflicts with non-inout when used via alias this
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14212] frexp for const and immutable fails to compile
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14218] [REG2.067a] casting null to integer type causes error message
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 6586] feqrel for const values too
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14235] [REG2.066] full-qualified template instantiation misses its error location
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14230] [REG2.067b2] std.array.join misses the first element which is empty string
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 13116] Should not be able to return ref to 'this'
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14233] [REG2.067b2] Can't build Algebraic!(This[]) anymore
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14267] [REG2.067beta2] ICE when determining if a function can be inlined
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14198] [REG2.067a] Link failure with Variant
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14275] Qualified package protection for aggregate member doesn't work
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 11530] need gdb test suite
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14213] Strange deprecated message in std.typecons.Proxy with using method
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 13390] [REG2.066] std.range.cycle ctor fails when empty input passed
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14225] [REG2.067a] GDB: error reading variable (string + dup)
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14283] [2.067-b4]: Spurious "this is not an lvalue" deprecation message for "auto ref" arguments
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14253] [REG2.067b3] std.traits.ParameterStorageClassTuple gives compiler errors when encountering 'return' functions
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14197] "replace" was moved from std.string without alias added
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14299] [REG2.067.0-rc1] "ref" parameter in CTFE handled incorrectly for recursive calls
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14297] [2.067-rc1] Broken links in phobos/index.html
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14285] [REG2.063] alias this to nothing is accepted
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14300] [2.067-rc1] DList casting to base type is broken
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14304] [REG2.067a] ICE with static immutable variable CTFE
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14301] [2.067-rc1] Private symbols of module conflicts with public from another
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14133] change in struct ctor lowering generates excessive init code
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14317] [REG2.066] ICE (cgcod.c 1767) when compiing with -profile -O -inline
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14232] redundant attribute 'const'
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14220] Bad codegen for optimized std.conv.text in combination with concatenation
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 4705] std.algorithm.max/min with key function, for a single range, + mins/maxs functions
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 12655] foldRange
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14375] static assert leads to __traits(allMembers) retuning an extra empty entry
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 8667] selective import breaks normal overload resolution
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 12359] implicit overload merging with selective imports should be removed
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14440] New: CTFE Regression: Wrong values set in a matrix constructor.
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14441] New: Strange error with string ctor
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14442] New: Wrong this.outer reference in nested classes
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 13742] undefined reference to __coverage
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14443] New: [Reg 2.067.0] Incorrect double freeing of reference counted struct
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14444] New: Segfault in GC.malloc
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 13460] dmd can no longer be built with DEBUG=1 on Linux/x86_64
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 12697] -inline ICE backend\el.c 802
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14445] New: not usable in @safe code
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14446] New: ICE on invalid import
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14447] New: adding isRandomAccessRange!S causes std.array unittests to fail to compile
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 8521] ICE(e2ir.c) when a function uses a template which relies on that function and -release and -inline are used
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14448] New: Compiler crashes when getting the address of a function in MemberFunctionTuple
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 13920] DMD crash when trying to set a delegate from __traits(getOverloads)
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 1215] Alias of a indexed tuple's field isn't allowed
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14449] New: Cannot create structure with `inout` constructor at compile time
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14450] New: Incorrect overloading of immutable constructor for template struct
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 12603] [CTFE] Unknown bug with goto case.
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 5329] Simple logging facility in the stdlib
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14451] New: static-foreach uses huge stack for no reason
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14452] New: Floating point invalid operation when returning a structure containing a float field
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 10943] Nested lambda alias in template arguments has no code generated
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14453] New: segfault in release mode
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 259] Comparing signed to unsigned does not generate an error
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14454] New: Lambda template param doesn't compile with -inline "*** is a nested function and cannot be accessed from ***"
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14455] New: [Reg 2.068-devel] std.string.indexOf no longer accepts static arrays
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14456] New: dmd doesn't call C functions with large structures correctly
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14344] [REG2.067] Wrong opBinary call in construction
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 4179] [AA] Deleting items from an associative array iterated over
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 10490] Type enum in std.variant.Algebraic for final switches
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14457] New: Algebraic does not allow assignment from subset type
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14373] std.range.refRange doesn't work on mere input ranges
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14458] New: very slow ubyte[] assignment (dmd doesn't use memset)
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14459] New: String literal merge bug causes incorrect runtime program behavior
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14281] duplicate .debug_info entries for arrays, delegates and aa's
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 6613] Can't use empty tuple as default value for variadic template function parameter
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 2803] template + default argument = doesn't work
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 11918] pthread_kill should be nothrow
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14460] New: ddoc - bracket inside string is being interpreted as
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14461] New: Header generation fails for definitions of string,wstring and dstring
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14462] New: cannot instantiate redBlackTree!int(); anymore
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 13164] ICE: backend/cgcod.c 1589
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 12920] ICE: Internal error: backend/symbol.c 1035
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 7392] ICE(symbol.c) on invalid nested case statement
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 4060] Phobos + linux problems with files > 2GB
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14463] New: DMD crashes compiling module level immutable struct that takes an array in ctor
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 4153] [cov] Code coverage output improvement
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 9721] Code coverage for templates
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14464] New: coverage merge doesn't work
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14465] New: CTFE exception stacktrace shows location of Exception constructor
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 8196] Compiler pages are missing -nofloat flag
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14466] New: destructive move
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14467] New: arr.capacity sometimes erroneously returns 0
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14468] New: [Reg 2.068.0-devel] overload mismatch for template instance with typesafe variadic parameter
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14469] New: file.readText on Win64 doesn't work for files > 4GB.
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14470] New: Reuse of object memory: new emplace overload
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14471] New: std.socket: add method for detach socket handle
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14472] New: add separate noptr data section
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 13527] ddoc website documentation does not match the current built-in symbols
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14219] missing documentation std.traits
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14085] Broken links on
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 13516] documentation missing from
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14473] New: Remove deprecated HTML tags from ddoc output
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14474] New: Use UTF-8 encoding for @cmdfile
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14475] New: man page is outdated
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14476] New: core.thread unit tests failing on FreeBSD 9+
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 8207] OS X: Should extern(D) symbols include another underscore?
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14080] No mention of documented unittests on ddoc's page
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14048] std.container documentation issues
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 387] When EOF of din is reached, a line of output is lost
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 150] (D1 only) std.gc.minimize doesn't minimize physical memory usage
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 943] DDoc ignoring sections, not making paragraphs
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14477] New: Nullable does not work with structs with default constructor disabled
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14478] New: isInputRange failed to recognize some ranges
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 6032] wstring literals cannot be implicitly converted to const(wchar)*
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14079] Variable templates' documentation not generated.
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14479] New: isInputRange returns false on a slice of noncopyables.
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14183] Updates to groupBy
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14006] "Contribute" button/option on the main site and sitemap
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14385] AA should use open addressing hash
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14119] Must not allocate TraceInfo for FinalizeErrors
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14480] New: dmd 2.067 x64 release codegen
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14351] [REG2.063] `inout` base class constructor can't be called
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14481] New: declaration.c:1888: Expression* VarDeclaration::getConstInitializer(bool): Assertion `type && init' failed.
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14482] New: [SPEC] Goto's into catch blocks should be an error
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14483] New: std.string import private template codeUnitLimit
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 12666] @nogc std.array.front, popFront, and more
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 12702] [FixIncluded] std.container.RedBlackTree's in operator is not const
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14484] New: IFTI doesn't work with TemplateThisParameter and inheritance
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14485] New: .front of empty filtered zip range is accessible
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14486] New: delete on classes ignores @nogc
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14487] New: 'new' and 'delete' declarations doesn't accept postfix attributes
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14488] New: Deprecate Imaginary and complex types
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14489] New: Deprecate Floating point NCEG operators
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14490] New: Deprecate .sort and .reverse properties for arrays
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14491] New: Deprecate overriding without override
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14492] New: Deprecate scope for allocating classes on the stack
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14493] New: std.range.walkBack too
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14494] New: Improve std.array.replicate documentation
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14495] New: executeInNewThread should return Thread
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14496] New: void initialization of member with indirections must not be @safe
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14497] New: Disassembly view
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14498] New: Poor codegen optimization for ranges
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14280] Links to command line tools have disappeared from navigation
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14329] [2.067] offline doc - menu broken due to missing jquery-1.7.2.min.js
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14499] New: segfault on alias this to self
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14500] New: AliasDeclaration::semantic corrupts Type
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 13534] std.variant can violate memory safety
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14501] New: template result is reused for equal but non-identical alias arguments
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 10190] fullyQualifiedName on enum template members doesn't work
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14346] is-expression dependent on instantiation order
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14502] New: dmd -O optimization breaks app
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 13016] Weird error message when trying to construct Nullable!int from a size_t
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 12322] Bad error message with wrong Nullable array argument
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 8973] core.cpuid.coresPerCPU returning incorrect value.
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 11520] [bionic] qsort is missing on linux/bionic
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 11674] core.stdc.fenv.fenv_t declaration not architecture aware
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14503] New: BigInt to binary/octal and lower case "%x" (hexadecimal format)
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14504] New: Regex Optimizer doesn't merge equivalent threads.
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 13867] Overriding a method from an extern(C++) interface requires extern(C++) on the method definition
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 13820] switch and case expressions should support alias this types
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14505] New: File doesn't rewind read pointer for a+ mode on Windows
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14506] New: Wrong floating point type inferred for function with auto return type
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14507] New: Installer doesn't configure VS2010 properly; missing mspdb100.dll
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14508] New: compiling with -unittest instantiates templates in non-root modules
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14509] New: Can't override Object methods in synchronized classes
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14510] New: Bad tail call optimization with static arrays
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 13454] Unit tests should be compiled in a module, where they are declared
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 2060] some ddoc design typos
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14000] Segmentation fault with profile
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14511] New: Profiler does not work with multithreaded programs
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14512] New: faster profiler
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 12246] RedBlackTree exhibits quadratic performance with -unittest command line option
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14315] [snn] scanf can't read lines longer than 32767 characters
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14516] New: Local shadows template parameter
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14517] New: Templated static ctor + separate compilation = module cycles
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14518] New: Review wiki wish-list proposal for a renewed API file-based archives
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14519] New: [Enh] foreach on strings should return replacementDchar rather than throwing
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14520] New: [REG2.067.0] string/alias template overload
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14521] New: Glossary page needs updating
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14328] The terms "lvalue" and "rvalue" should be added to the glossary
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14522] New: Postfix array declaration examples should be removed from arrays.html
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 13440] Keyed array literal is not documented
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 12803] __traits(getFunctionAttributes) is not documented
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14277] Compile-time array casting error - ugly error report
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14215] invalid import in core.sys.linux.stdio
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14523] New: New Windows Application uses incorrect initialization/termination code
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14524] New: Right clicking in solution explorer to add folders does not work as expected
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14525] New: Cannot access help information from getopt if a required parameter is not given
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14526] New: GetOptException DDOC needs cleanup
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 13374] Wrong template overload resolution when passing function to alias/string parameter
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14527] New: [Enh] Instrument calls to operator new with -profilenew compiler switch
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 13433] Request: Clock.currTime option to use CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE / CLOCK_REALTIME_FAST
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14528] New: GIT HEAD: can't pass protected member to template by alias
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14529] New: Bug in Regex insensitive match
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14530] New: TickDuration to! is broken
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14531] New: `@disable this() immutable` disable mutable default construction, too
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14532] New: switch block allows creating uninitialized variables
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14533] New: Error 43: Not a Valid Library File
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 10524] Switch skips initialization of 'with' variable
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14534] New: Front-end should lower all non-scalar condition expressions
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 14535] New: should include status line
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 12856] template alias should not perform access check
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 13744] Cannot pass private symbol as alias parameter
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
- [Issue 13758] RDMD renames directory if -ofNAME is the name of a directory
via Digitalmars-d-bugs
Last message date:
Thu Apr 30 23:51:00 PDT 2015
Archived on: Thu Apr 30 23:51:20 PDT 2015
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).