D on WinCE / Windows Mobile and PalmOS

Tam Hanna Tam_member at pathlink.com
Fri Mar 10 09:25:23 PST 2006

In article <duiq95$2r9m$1 at digitaldaemon.com>, Chad J says...
>I intend to write a game for PDAs, namely the WinCE and PalmOS 
>varieties.  One of the options I see is to use GDC as a compiler for 
>these platforms, which would let me use my favorite programming 
>language, D.  However, there seem to be a lot of obstacles, like a lack 
>of phobos.  Maybe I'd cross-compile it onto those, or use Ares, or I 
>dunno really.  I am inexperienced at dealing with GDC or GCC or any of 
>the inner workings of D.  How long would I have to work on this to just 
>be able to start writing my game?
>Another obstacle I face is coming up with good SDKs.  Using Java would 
>save me a lot of time because of the excellent GUI support.  D does not 
>have much GUI support at all, IMO.  I've heard talk of porting SWT to D 
>and using that.  How long would that take to get working?

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