[MudWalker] Calling a chat server

Kevin Reid kpreid at mac.com
Fri Jul 11 05:19:01 PDT 2008

On Jul 10, 2008, at 21:34, Susan Bridges wrote:

> I'm enjoying Mudwalker. I do have a few thoughts, were there to be  
> an update, but my immediate question is: If I'm playing a mud and  
> someone wants me to call a chat server address, how do I do that?

That depends on what they mean by a "chat server". I haven't heard of  
something specific that I recognize from your description. Can you  
provide more info, such as what a "chat server address" looks like, or  
any additional context available?

If it's just another telnet-accessible server like muds are, then you  
just do New Connection (cmd-N), enter the address, and Connect, of  

If it's some other protocol, we can look into adding support for it to  

Kevin Reid                            <http://homepage.mac.com/kpreid/>

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